Tips For Shooting Great iPhone Videos

iPhone Video Magic

The quality of photographs an iPhone is capable of producing is excellent, but when you consider that it can also capture high-quality video you really begin to understand its creative potential.  Just a few years ago a camcorder five times the size of an iPhone wouldn’t have been capable of producing anything like the quality of video Apple’s device can record.  In addition to the video picture quality, the sound recording on an iPhone is incredible.

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Operating the video camera on an iPhone couldn’t be easier.  As it’s accessed from the camera app it’s easy to start video capture if you suddenly decide you’d like a video clip rather than a still photograph.  A quick tap of the record button and the recording will begin.  Recording video on an iPhone can quickly take up storage space, so make sure you have memory available if you plan to shoot a lot of videos.  The following tips will help you to get the best results when using an iPhone video camera.

phone video

  1. Keep it still and steady. Camera shake can ruin an otherwise great video clip.  Hold the camera firm and steady as you record each shot.  Press the record button gently rather than jabbing it, and keep your elbows tucked into your body as you capture video clips.  Some people tend to move a camera from side to side in an attempt to capture a scene in front of them, but this doesn’t usually work well with video.  Video clips of between five and twenty seconds are generally the most effective.
  2. Get in close. Background distractions and too much space around the subject are common mistakes in shooting video.  Move in close to your subject and fill the frame for impact.  Remember that most people will watch your video recordings on a very small screen, and subjects will be lost if you shoot from too far away.
  3. Change angles and positions. Think about how television shows and movies are recorded when you are shooting video on an iPhone.  Look for interesting angles and different ways to frame each scene.  Shooting from the same position every time will result in boring video clips.  Get down low and look up at your subject; move in close for a tight shot and then step away for a wider shot.
  4. Watch lighting levels. The iPhone’s camera is incredibly versatile, but it has its limitations in testing conditions.  Shooting video in low light can result in grainy images with muted colors.  Pay particular attention when recording iPhone video clips indoors, and look for areas where light levels are stronger.
  5. Edit for professional-looking results. Editing a series of iPhone video clips is a great way to produce a professional-looking movie.  Select the clip you’d like to edit from the iPhone’s camera roll and you can use the trim tool to cut excess footage.  Apple’s iMovie app is a fantastic tool for editing iPhone videos, and you can add transitions and sound effects to create professional-looking movies.
  6. Share your video clips with others. As well as being smaller and lighter than a camcorder, an iPhone also has the advantage that video clips can be instantly shared with other people.  There are various ways to do this, including sending clips by email and uploading them to YouTube.  You can also upload video clips to social media sites like Facebook, and instantly share experiences with friends and family.  Apps like Socialcam are specifically designed to share your videos and allow viewers to vote and comment on them.
  7. Add some accessories. If you’re serious about making movies with your iPhone, there are a range of great accessories to help take your shooting to the next level.  Tripods, stabilizers, and camera dolly devices will ensure steady pictures and impressive results.  Lights can be a great help when shooting indoors, and lenses are available which attach to your iPhone to improve the zoom range and film Pandora.

We hope you have learned some great tips from this article.  If you have any great tips of your own, please share them with us today.

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